Monday 5 October 2020

Is Perth property about to boom?

Perth boomtime

Is Perth about to boom?

The NAB survey today certainly suggests so.

In Q3 Business Conditions for Western Australia practically exploded higher from a reading of 2 to 25, while business confidence went from a negative reading of -1 all the way up to 10 across a single quarter of trading. 

Source: NAB

Having barely been touched by COVID-10 since April, the local jobs market is clearly enjoying the stimulus, and jobs vacancies for Western Australia are suddenly at the highest level since the resources boom years. 

Is Perth property about to boom, then?

I discussed this key question with Peter Gavalas, local Perth property market expert and buyer's agent.

Watch tonight's webinar at the link here (or see below):

You can get our free market analysis for Western Australia at here