Sunday 16 August 2020

Top 10 unit oversupply hotspots

Free research reports

COVID-19 has led to an immediate (if perhaps temporary) shift outwards in the demand for housing.

It's therefore important to understand where the risk of oversupply is greatest, especially for units and apartments. 

You can access our Buyers Buyers unit oversupply report for free here (or by clicking on the image below):

So they we can add value to all property buyers and consumers, you can assess the risk in every postcode in Australia by property type for free here

You can also access a regional economic analysis report for every area in Australia.

Do check out the regional economic analysis reports, as we've put years of resource into these to ensure that quality of our research, insights, and data reporting is unparalleled:

Where the macro risks are higher, we will not hold back from pointing this out:

Source: Buyers Buyers

All of this information has been made available for free to all Australians using our WeIntelligence tools here

Here's a brief explainer video below on how best to use our free WeIntelligence tools.

To add more value to all consumers, we put out several data-driven and personalised property insights per week for free in our WeLearn property essentials service. 

You can find out more about Buyers Buyers and how we're connecting with more Australians here