Wednesday 22 July 2020

Melbourne mobility poleaxed

Virus spreads

Today was Melbourne's darkest day, with 484 new cases of the Coronavirus recorded in Victoria.

Victoria now has more than 3,400 active cases, 40 of which are in ICU.

Thus the once-flat curve in Australia is no longer flat.

While the rest of the country is opening up, Melbourne is now shutting down, reflected in July's mobility data. 

Job ads were up 26 per cent in June to 118,3000 per the LMIP data series, albeit they were still down -31 per cent from a year earlier. 

Source: LMIP

At the state level, Western Australia is tracking well year-on-year, but the most heavily populated states are well down year-on-year, despite the rebound in June. 

Melbourne is now facing down a long stretch in lockdown, unfortunately, and this almost certainly means more disruption and more stimulus for longer.