Tuesday 28 July 2020

Jobs recovery faltering

Payrolls slump

The new weekly payrolls data series tends see upwards revisions over time.

However, today's figures suggest that the bounce in jobs has been faltering.

Source: James Foster

Victoria bore the brunt of the decline following the state's lockdown.

But actually everywhere looks to have lost some momentum, with the possible exception of Western Australia, so the employment figures for July could well be flat or negative. 

Source: James Foster

Financial markets seem dubious about how well policy will bring the economy back up to speed.

And consumer confidence fell for a 5th consecutive week, declining by -1.9 per cent.

Source: ANZ

More support needed, by the looks of it.

As always, more terrific insights from James Foster you'll find in due course here (and on the Twitter @JFosterFM).