Tuesday 3 December 2019

Stock listings still tight

More listings

There was a fair seasonal lift in property stock listings in November.

But it wasn't enough to offset more demand over the second half of the year, according to SQM Research's latest figures. 

Sydney listings increased to 32,101, but the total was still well down from 39,772 a year earlier as demand outstrips supply. 

Melbourne has just over 40,000 listings, but a year earlier had 43,727.

Year-on-year listings were -6.3 lower nationally, driven mainly by the significant -19.3 per cent decline in Sydney.

Listings were also tighter in Melbourne over the year (-8.5 per cent), and in Brisbane (-4.3 per cent).  

At the sub-regional level stock levels are tight on Sydney's northern beaches and lower north shore, but are far less so out to the west and south-west.

There's also quite a bit of old stock languishing in the Hills District.

Source: SQM Research

Asking prices increased over the month, according to SQM's index.