Wednesday 18 December 2019

Job ads crunched to 4-year low

4-year low for vacancies

The skilled vacancies index fell for the 11th consecutive month, and is now -10.6 per cent (or -19,400 job ads) lower than a year earlier, according to the Department of Employment. 

The trend for total vacancies declined to 162,700, with the index slumping to a 4-year low and sinking fast. 

In New South Wales, job ads are down -16.1 per cent year-on-year, while in Victoria the index is down -11.8 per cent. 

Annual declines were recorded in all jurisdictions except for Western Australia and the ACT.

The RBA's Harper was quoted in a media piece this week noting that 'you don't want to be in a place where you're over-stimulated'.

Safe to say, that particular risk has been comfortably headed off!