Saturday 26 October 2019

Weekend reads: must see articles of the week

Weekend reads

Summarised for you here at Property Update (or click on the image below).

This week a look at stock listings, vacancies around the cities, and the Top 20 Growth Suburbs list.

Click here to read:

Also, do yourself a favour and subscribe for the free podcast here.

Week ahead

There's a big week of news lying right ahead:

Source: Commsec

By far the most interesting release will be the Q3 inflation figures, for the reasons discussed here.

You can safely bin most of the sensationalist analysis on housing credit, since this data is historic and growth rates always hit a nadir when volumes have been low and prices are about to rebound.

Of more relevance is that mortgage rates have declined and the tight lending environment is finally easing up a bit at the margin:

Finally for this week, if this line is still a disclosure requirement for tenders then it needs to be revised back out before the headless chooks of financial markets commentary blow a gasket:

Source: Treasury

Can't wait for the shrill YouTube analysis of this minor issue (give me strength).

Have a great weekend!