Saturday 26 October 2019

Tesla shorts get dacked

Tesla surprise

No dog in this race, but I can't get enough of this story, which like all great thrillers has suspense, good guys, bad guys, and a tantalisingly unpredictable conclusion. 

Tesla released its much-awaited Q3 results this week, with a surprise return to profitability. 

Over the most recent two trades the share price stormed around 30 per cent higher from $254.68 to $329 at the time of writing. 

This has left the vocal mass of short-sellers reeling in agony, with some openly disclosing material losses that will end their quest to profit from the company's failure. 

There's still such a great deal of uncertainty surrounding so many of the underlying figures reported, yet this price action sends the Tesla market cap rocketing to north of $57 billion.

Tesla is the second most shorted US company after Apple, but this surge makes Tesla the most highly valued car company, eclipsing even GM.

Game on.