Monday 28 October 2019

Population clock passes 25.5 million

25.5 million

The timing was pushed back a few weeks in the end, but the Aussie population clock has now passed 25½ million. 

Source: ABS

There have been many predictions about changing living patterns.

But only three areas continue to dominate population growth.

These are: Greater Sydney, Greater Melbourne, and south-east Queensland (Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Sunshine Coast).  

There will be a lot of talk about the overbuilding of apartments for the next 12 months until the cranes finally come down. 

But there's no structural oversupply.

In fact, I put an apartment up for rent in Sydney this week and had four applications on the first day.

Being close to a train link is probably important.

Check out this post at the Demog Blog which looked at the number of vacant dwellings on Census night and how this lines up with historic trends.