Friday 17 May 2019

Post-election webinar: extra 50 seats

Webinar: extra seats

4 million Aussies - including me - have already voted early, which tends to mean that the later votes will swing towards the Coalition.

Overall, however, the election is looking rather like a Labor victory.

But the likely composition of the Senate is well worth spending some time understanding, as this will directly impact what happens over the next 6-12 months. 

We've had to extend the election webinar seat numbers due the previous allocation being filled up in less than two hours this morning.  

We've opened up another block of 50 seats, so reserve yours below (don't worry if you miss the time as we are recording a video and can email it out to you later):

Join me LIVE on Tuesday 21st May @ 10:30am AEST for a Post Election Investment Strategy Conversation.

You couldn't help but know that it's election time in Australia.

And there are plenty of scare campaigns out there about what various policies might or might not do to the economy, to stock markets, and to housing markets.

For example, franking credit refunds are in the spotlight, there may be tax rate increases for some individuals, and there are some significant changes proposed for the way In which investment property is taxed.

There will be some changes ahead (though some may fail to become legislated).

But change can also bring opportunities.

In this must-see webinar we will cover off everything you need to know.

Webinar Details

Tuesday 21 May 2019
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am AEST
Reserve your seat - click here (even if you can't make it, register and I will make sure you get a copy of the recording).
P.S. Whenever you’re ready here are a few ways I can help you step up to the next level:
1. Grab a copy of my free book Next Level Wealth by downloading it on this website.
It’s the roadmap for building a 6-figure passive income stream and financial abundance.
Click here to download.
You can also subscribe for my FREE DAILY BLOG here.
Why not join my Facebook group and come to join the conversation there too?
2. Submit the enquiry form for a free 15-minute diagnosis call, and for qualifying applicants, a free 45-minute strategy session in person.
Click here to book your free session.
3. Sign up for my 12-month Next Level Wealth coaching program.
If you’d like to work with me privately to target and achieve 7-figure results, get in contact via the enquiry form and I’ll get in touch personally.
Places are strictly limited and applications will be assessed on a first-come first-served basis. Learn more by clicking here.