Wednesday 20 March 2019

Storyfest tales

Storyfest 2019

I've been speaking at the Somerset College Storyfest this week, an amazing facility on the Gold Coast. 

It's a monster event with more than 20,000 tickets sold, and in the end students from 73 schools in attendance this year. 

Yesterday I presented at breakfast with AFP 2018 Financial Planner of the Year, Felicity Cooper of Cooper Wealth Management. 

Felicity raised some very interesting points on the challenges facing young people with regards to the constantly shifting superannuation rules.

With life expectancy on the increase, those super balances might not be accessed for a very long time too!

This means that youngsters need to get to work on implementing sound financial habits outside their super fund too. 

It's been a real privilege to engage with the students here.

Today I spoke about the importance of installing sound financial habits at a young age - avoiding credit cards, and too much social media! - and the 20 simple things that young people can do to ensure financial security in life.

And I've met a whole range of wonderful authors too.

Can't recommend this event highly enough.