Thursday 21 February 2019

Brokers bounce back

ALP chucks a uey

Closing out the easiest trade of 2019 today, with Australian Finance Group (ASX: AFG) up 23 per cent, and Mortgage Choice (ASX: MOC) up 10 per cent during trade.

Predictably Labor is already getting set to backflip on its foolish claim that it would accept all Royal Commission findings sight unseen, which was always a crazy idea. 

Not even three weeks later the mortgage broking industry recommendations are being viewed unfavourably, and ALP sources are reportedly canvassing options to water them down.

As I opined in a couple of videos (such as here and here) at the time the final report was released, these were never great recommendations, and shouldn't be followed through under any circumstances.

Females have the upper hand

In other news, the average weekly earnings figures showed continued slowish growth of +2.4 per cent annual gains for full time ordinary time earnings, and +2.8 per cent for total earnings.

Once again, there were considerably better results for females, at +3.2 per cent for full time ordinary time earnings, +3.4 per cent for full time total earnings, and +3.8 per cent for total earnings. 

Not quite so much joy for the male half of the labour force.