Friday 7 December 2018

Devils & Details live in Sydney (listen)

Live event podcast


The full Business Insider Australia Devils and Details Live show is out, with all of the panels compressed into two easy recordings. 

To listen to Part 1, Property and Portfolios, see here or click on the image below

The housing market panel kicks in at 20 minutes, but all of it is well worth listening to.

I have a bit of a yarn from 31 minutes in, and then again at 39:40.

Here I discuss the concept of the credit cycle as a pendulum, as well as how I'm helping my clients to reposition themselves for the significant proposed changes for property investors ahead. 

This section includes news and views from Joanne Masters, Cameron Kusher, Stephen Koukoulas, Con Michalakis, and more. 

What a terrific panel of guests to be on!


To listen to Part 2, The Reserve Bank's Challenge, and indicators, see here or click on the image below.

There's some classic trademark James Whelan commentary on what things are currently things...and conversely, of course what things are not things. 

It includes a range of economist views on the outlook for the US and global economies (yikes, those credit figures really don't sound good for Britain and Brexit). 

This podcast also includes a panel with Westpac's incomparable Bill Evans and his views on the outlook from around the 20-minute mark. 

Bill's sharp wit is an impossible act to follow, of course, but I had to do it anyway from the 37:30 mark.

Here I discuss changes to mortgage rates between loan product types, and what the tremendously effective measures taken to reduce the stock and flow of interest-only mortgages might mean for the housing market and its outlook. 

And this podcast includes forward-looking indicators on credit, the housing market, and more.

Enjoy the listen!


Behind the scenes...