Saturday 20 October 2018

Underutilisation falling...


Thanks for the thousand or so Tweets, messages, and pingbacks about record underutilisation and the like - a pleasure as always! 

Yes, it's a problem.

No, it's not been getting worse.

Volume measures - reported quarterly on an original basis - have consistently improved year-on-year since 2014...through 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 year-to-date.

All publicly available information from the ABS:

Yes, there is more work to be done (literally so in this case!).

The Reserve Bank has noted the same patterns, but still believes that the unemployment rate is the key measure, and that's at the lowest level since 2012.

No, this won't be reported in left-leaning media, nor for that matter whichever 'recession' blogs you may care to mention.

C'est tout. 



Very low preliminary auction clearance rates this weekend, under 50 per cent for Melbourne, and just 44 per cent for Sydney.

It'll be a long, slow run into Christmas from here this year.