Friday 25 May 2018

Weekend reads (growth mindset)

Weekend reads

The must read articles of the week, summarised for you here at Property Update.

Growth mindset

It will soon be your last chance to sign up for Wealth Retreat 2018.

Quite apart from the Gold Coast, the golf, and the goal setting (and, for me, reviewing last year's goals), I'm looking forward to invaluable business coaching from Mark Creedon, and learning from the mind of US Rich Habits guru Tom Corley. 

Then there's the technical stuff, on mortgage lending, changes to tax legislation, structures, and the other fundamentals you need to know to gain the 'unfair advantage' of the wealthy.

I'll also be sharing my latest work in some in-depth presentations. 

More than anything else I can't wait to network with positive, like-minded people, as great things somehow always just seem to happen when you do that. 

It's interesting to look back, years ago I used to think that investing a lump sum in a 5-day event sounded like a waste of money.

These days I get the dollar value back (and then some) almost instantaneously from picking up a single useful business, motivational, or investment idea, or making one new genuinely useful connection. 

It's genuinely fascinating to me how you develop over time. 

You can sign up for Wealth Retreat here .

It's a great event, but it's not for everyone - it's really only for motivated or positive-minded people that want to achieve bigger and better things. 

But if you read my blog, you're most likely that personality type. At least I hope you are :-)

I look forward to seeing you there