Tuesday 1 May 2018

Listings down in April as Hobart 'cascades' lower

Easter break

Listings fell by 3.8 per cent over April from 338,000 to 325,000, with seasonal Easter impacts taking hold, according to the latest data from SQM Research.

After half a decade of low stock levels, Sydney listings are 35 per cent higher than a year earlier.

In Melbourne, too, listing are now 6 per cent higher year-on-year.

Only one capital city has seen a drop over the past 12 months, and it's a big one at that.

Yep, at the other end of the spectrum is booming Hobart, where there were only 2,270 listings, down 27 per cent from a year earlier.

It's now interesting to see how supply responds in Hobart, being a small city of about 230,000. 

Building approvals figures to follow later this week!