Thursday 26 April 2018

Stand by for tax cuts?

Bag of tricks

The Coalition has famously lost 30 Newspolls in a row.

But might Turnbull and Treasurer ScoMo have a trick or two up their sleeve yet?

They might. 

Australia's labour force participation rate has blazed to an all-time high - in part thanks to immigration - while over the year to January 2018 employment screamed higher by +431,000 persons, a truly monster result. 

There's never been a 12-month period like it for employment growth, and in turn that's delivered a very welcome boost to the federal budget.

Better yet, figures out today showed the export price index jumped by +4.9 per cent, having already increased by +2.9 per cent in the preceding quarter. 

The boost was delivered by metal ores, and coal and coke.

It'll be interesting to see what the Coalition comes up with to win votes from a tax perspective.

They haven't got the time to wait for wages to increase, so it'll have to be a case of sooner rather than later.