Friday 20 April 2018

Planning for success this year?

Weekend reads

Want the best reads of the week?

Summarised for you here at Property Update.

Wealth Retreat

By the way, are you coming along to Wealth Retreat this year?

I'll be speaking for what I think is my 4th year at Gold Coast in a row now!

It's a terrific week to reflect on the year just gone, to find out more about the latest trends in detail, and to plan for success over the year ahead. 

Now that I do it every year it seems so obvious. 

Take time out, think back to what I said I'd do a year ago, and see what has worked, and what I haven't implemented...and get some people to hold me accountable for achieving what I said I would.

It's also a great week to mix with like-minded and successful people, and to take time away from the daily grind. Actually, I bring the daily grind along with me...they tend to go to Wiggles World for a bit of a break :-)

In a competitive world it's all too easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day travails of work and business. 

It takes a bit of time out to elevate your mindset on to a higher plane, and simply to relish the success of others. 

It's amazing to me how positivity is so contagious and rubs off on you, and I'm sure you've noticed how success comes so easily to some people yet bad luck seems to plague others continually. 

I'm also looking forward to speaking at the event, because the Royal Commission has already led to a few sweeping changes in the lending landscape, and I want to communicate to investors how this will impact them and how they need to think a little differently going forward. 

Stay tuned for further details.