Saturday 7 October 2017

Money for Lifers

Live Sydney event

A corker of a day in Sydney, throughout which we enjoyed financial advisor and accountant Melissa Browne of The Money Barre entertaining us with her financial fairytales, and explaining the importance of starting as soon as you can, in order to maximise the power of compound interest...

...economist Stephen 'the Kouk' Koukoulas talking about his outlook for the economy, interest rates, inflation, and the eternal housing affordability and buy versus rent equation...

...and share market professional David Novac reliving his experiences of the shocking 1987 stock market crash - when stock prices fell 50 per cent in a single day - and how you can protect yourself in the markets today, by investing for high returns but with downside protection.

David warned how companies such as Tesla are being valued at $60 billion in the market, without even turning a profit. But he also unearthed undervalued sectors of the stock market too. 

And there was much more besides, including financial planner and mortgage broker Chris Bates discussing debt recycling strategies, which was a huge eye-opener for me.

And I spoke for 1.5 hours on property market drivers, dynamics, and strategies, fielding plenty of questions from the audience. 

A super, interactive day had by all, stay tuned for future events